Quick Valuation Tool results

Disclaimer: Please note, this Quick Valuation Tool is an automated feature based on recent historical transactions in the broadly defined sectors below. There is a vast variety of sub-sectors within each category affecting the precision of the results, which would only be taken into consideration during a bespoke valuation process. Additionally, there is no consideration for your unique company attributes, such as competitive advantages or reputation, which would affect your valuation during a bespoke valuation process. Therefore, please do not get overly excited or discouraged if your company’s estimated value is not what you expected, or if the valuation range is too broad. This tool only serves as an indication or direction, not as a precise, bespoke valuation of your business.

Your valuation range is:

Please complete the Valuation Tool first.

What next?

Selling your business couldn’t be easier and we’re here to help you through the entire process.

Sell your business in four easy steps

Selling your business can be daunting. We are here to guide you through the entire process, help you find the right buyer for you and maximise your profit.


Reach out and list your business

Tell us about your business, your goals and aspirations during your free initial consultation. We will guide you through the entire process from start to finish. We will tailor the sale process to your unique requirements and ensure you receive all our support.


Finding the right buyer

We will develop a bespoke marketing strategy and help you find the most suitable buyers for your business. We will make sure we keep the sale process confidential throughout.


Negotiation and due dilligence

We will guide you through the negotiation process with potential buyers and discussions regarding terms, price and other conditions. We will support you through the due dilligence process and responding to questions coming from buyers.


Closing the deal

We will support you through the process until the closing of the transaction including coordinating legal, accounting and any other advisors.

We have helped companies just like yours

Building a successful business is one of the most rewarding achievements of your life. We help business owners like you sell their business every day by finding the right buyer who sees all the value created by many years of hard work and resilience